Raye Resources Inc. is exploring the New Nanik copper property
south of Smithers in west-central British Columbia


The New Nanik Property is a 387 square kilometer mineral property of merit located approximately 110 km south-southwest of Smithers, 90 km southwest of Houston and 100 km southeast of Terrace in central British Columbia.
The property encompasses the New Nanik copper-molybdenum-gold-silver developed prospect, the newly discovered MacLean hydrothermal system at Mt Bergeland, and a number of other early stage mineralized prospects.

A graphical log of New Nanik drillhole GR-69-03 which intersected 97,54 meters running 0.46% Cu,0.009% Mo, 0.17g/t Au and 11.4g/t Ag can be viewed on the New Nanik page of this website.


Raye's New Nanik property is shown on the adjoining map in orange. In December 2024 Raye entered into an option agreement with Surge Copper Corp. whereby Surge may acquire the hashed area on the map. The expressed purpose of this acquisition by Surge is to provide a storage location for waste from the mine Surge is working towards developing on the 1 billion ton Berg porphyry copper/molybdenum deposit, also shown on the map.

The terms of the option agreement may be found here.



The property lies immediately to the north of the intake to the Kemano Tunnel which feeds water to the large hydro-electric station which powers Rio Tinto's aluminium smelter in Kitimat.

Neighbouring Properties

The property lies 30 km northwest of the past-producing Huckleberry copper-molybdenum-gold-silver mine and only 8 km west of the Berg copper-molybdenum-silver deposit